All said and not done, I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. BSE happens to stumble upon Rock It, held on 19th feb 08 @ NTU Quad. You might have heard us as Llawder, as the last song have announced our official new band name has been changed to Brown Shoe Electric. Scroll down to see some of the Lives on Youtube. Songs we did were as follows:
1. Boston - Augustana
2. Don't Look Back In Anger - Oasis
3. Vertigo - U2
4. Loving The Alien - Velvet Revolvers
5. Paradise - Beyond
6. Let It Be - The Beatles
If you do like our style, you have made us feel good, thank you so much for all the people who came down for us, stopped by to see us, smiled when they heard us from both the North and South Spines. We would like to extend our gratitude to Hall 4 boys and girls(thanks for being the largest crowd), my own little group of friends (Good'ol friend: Yaolong Neighbours:Daniel,Yonghuat Army guys: Mengtiak,ChoonGuan MS1:Shafeeq,Sharil,TB,Nat,WeiHan,Raymond i saw ya, and SOO PEI don't think I didn't see you) Anyone finds it unjust that I didn't put your name here, Shout out at my tagboard, i bet you do want, don't cha??
Brown Shoe Electric
Why BSE?
History speaks, it happened when everyone in the band has trouble getting the room key, so one smart fella(me) finally came up with the idea of leaving the key in one of my brown leather shoes outside the door. Apparently there'll be one side pointing down, another pointing up. So there we go, always telling each other "you know where it is, brown shoe pointing down" As to Electric, we found ourselves adding the word to spice things up a'lil, make it less a swingband, more a rock one instead.
It is few young men playing not for money, not for fame, but for the passion...and yeah.. partly because of girls too. - DC
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