Friday, November 23, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Mixed Post

Exam Terror!
This is my management textbook. Look what I've done to it, but I think that the exam script killed the spirit.
(P.S. Im so going to score A after doing that paper today. Im writing this small for a reason, if u even bother to read this.)

Dude, Im so very cool back then.

Getting inked. Doing it at bone area is no joke. It started off with ant bites, then comes a feeling that a monkey is chewing on your pi pi.
Its about as painful as piercing your clitoris... I guess.

Oh my leg hair on that inked area grew well back on, finally.

Heres a picture of a guitar. Of course it is a picture of a guitar. But why is a picture of a guitar here? This is so gay...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Im not a fan of Sinead, but this song is one of the most beautiful in the world
My Love, more dear than this life you are to me,
your kiss more clear than the crystal of the sea,
please save me I've fallen here, I am lost and alone...
An angel weeps, I hear him cry.
A lonely prayer a voice on high.
Dry all your tears, come what may,
and in the end the sun will rise on one more day.
Céile mo chroí, do croíse, ar Shlánaitheoir
(Together my love, your heart, our Savior)
Is císte mo chroí, do chroí sábhálaim comh thíar
(My heart is a treasure, your heart I cherish like the sunset)
O 's follas gur líon do chroí
(it's obvious that you filled your heart)
Dom grása, a stór.
(with my love, my dear)
(Eternal Father & Jesus with her, weak & dying. I'm in pain)
Dry all your tears, come what may
And in the end the sun will rise on one more day...
I first heard this song in the movie 'Veronica Guerin'. The intrigue of this piece for me, is that the melody sounds as though it has been around forever. I couldn't resist feelings of enhanced richness, emotional and prayerful lyric.
Sinead O'Connor - One More Day
Veronica Guerin joined the Sunday Business Post and Sunday Tribune in 1994, she began to write about criminals for Irish newspaper the Sunday Independent. She used nicknames for underworld figures to avoid Irish libel laws. When she began to cover drug dealers, she received numerous death threats.
When Guerin was shot in the leg at her home on January 30, 1995, some of her critics argued that she had staged the whole thing for publicity purposes. Regardless, she vowed to continue her investigations. Independent Newspapers installed a security system to protect her. On September 13, 1995, convicted criminal John Gilligan attacked her when she tried to interview him. He later called her at home and threatened to kidnap and rape her son if she wrote anything about him. The Garda Síochána (Irish police) gave her a 24-hour escort but she did not approve of this, saying that it hampered her work.
On June 26, 1996, when Guerin was sitting in her red Opel Calibra at an intersection on the Naas Dual Carriageway, a few miles outside Dublin, one of two men sitting on a motorcycle beside her car fatally shot her five times. Guerin's murder caused outrage, and Taoiseach John Bruton called it "an attack on democracy". The following criminal investigation led to over 150 arrests and a hunt against Irish organised criminal gangs. There was also some discussion as to whether her newspaper shared any blame in her death for not preventing her more dangerous investigations.
In the wake of Guerin's death, the Irish parliament realised the potential of using tax enforcement laws as a means of deterring and punishing criminals. It then enacted the Proceeds of Crime Act 1996 and the Criminal Assets Bureau Act 1996, so that assets purchased with money obtained through crime could be seized by the government. This led to the formation of the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB).
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Art of Speaking Spanish
This was the exact uncut script that was spoken during my spanish oral.
The scene started with clement with his gf in a shopping mall.
Clement acted as clement, deryck acted as gf and also deryck.
gf: my dear, im going shopping now, u go grab urself a cup of coffee first, ok?
gf: mi amante, iré de compras primero, ¿quiere usted comprar el café?
C:okay, no problem, see you later.
C: Vale, no el problema, hasta pronto
gf exited from backdoor. Deryck enters from front door and sat down in a "cafe"
Clement walked a big round in the room and assumedly enters the 'cafe'
and saw deryck, both men nodded to each other and clement sat down.
D: hi, is that ur gf?
D: hola, ella es tu novia?
C: yes, hot isnt she? Haha
C: Si, guapa, no es ella? Haha
D: quite(bastante), going shopping?
D: bastante guapa, ida compra?
C: yes, the whole day.
C: Si, entero dia
D: mine too. women... (shake heads together)
D: mi tambien, mujeres... (shake heads together)
C:my name is clement, you?
c: me llamo clement, y tu?
D: my name is deryck. nice to meet you.
d: me llamo deryck, encantado.
C:where you from?
C: de donde eres?
d: im from singapore on vacation with my gf from nov to dec. you?
D: Soy singapurense, de singapur, pero ahora estoy de vacaciones
con mi novia, desde noviembre hasta deciembre. Y tu?
C: im spanish, from barcelona.
C: Soy espanol, de Barcelona.
D: ahhh nice city, i've been there. you like football?
D: ahhh, ciudad amable, es futbol tu deporte favorito?
C: definitely, i support Liverpool
C: definitivamente, es partidario de Liverpool
D: i see, what is the name of your favourite footballer?
D: Perfecto, Como se llama tu futbolista favorito?
D: fernando torres, you?
C: Fernando Torres
D: Why?
D: Por que?
C: he is really quick and skilful. He’s also very handsome.
C: El es realmente rapido y habil. El es muy guapo tambien
D: actually, i dont watch futbol, i prefer rugby
D: Realmente, soy prefiero rugby.
C: i see, who is ur favorito rugby player?
C: va le. Quien es su jugador de rugbi favorito
D: Richie McCaw from all blacks
D: Richie Mccaw. El es de todos all blacks
C: oh i heard he is very good
C: oh. El es un jugador muy bueno
D: yes he is very fast. But he is not hadsome. haha
D: si. El es muy rapido. Pero el es menos guapo que Torres. Haha
D: there will be a football match tmr. I could take you if you want
C: hay un partido de fútbol mañana. ¿quiere usted venir?
D: perfect. Thank you very much.
D: Perfecto, muchos gracias.
both sipped their coffees
C: donde esta tu novia? Es ella bonita? haha
D: no, she is ugly and short and fat(and sigh, look sad), actually i prefer other girls
D: no. ella es fea, baja y gorda. Soy prefiero otras chicas
C: example?
C: ejemplo?
D:jessica alba
C: yes yes. I see.
C: si si. *smiles*
D: she is very pretty. She’s tall and thin. She has sexy legs. She is the perfect girl
D: ella es muy muy guapa. Ella es delgada. y alta. Tiene pierna s hermosas. Ella es chica perfecto.
D: i also like intelligent girls
D: yo también como muchachas inteligentes
D: ¿qué las chica hacen le gusta?
C: i prefer japanese girls who are short, cheerful but fat
C: me gustan chicas cortas con el pelo corto
D: (spits out coffee when hearing that)
C: (on hearing, raise both arms up and said WTF??)
D: sounds like my grandmother. Do you wanna meet her?
D: suena a mi abuela. ¿quiere usted encontrarla?
C: really? Haha
C: realmente? Haha
D: Tu...LOCO!!
D: (make ringtone sound, tututututututu... clement look down and pick his fone up)
C: my gf, shakes head
C: mi novia. *shakes head* hola!
C: (held his phone back, turn back and cover his mouth)
C: hola my love,si si si si, si, si si, i love you,see you later. (smooching sound)
C: hola. Si si… si si… si si.. te amo. Si si… *kiss*
(C: ahem..act manly)
C: i got to go
C: siento. tengo que ir novia. *shakes head*
d: si, si, no problem. what is your telefono number?
D: si si. No el problema. Cual es tu telefono?
C: xxxxxxxx, y tu?
D: 91865720
C: si, adios! hasta manana deryck
D: adios clement, hasta manana.
D/C: after bidding farewell, both men did the lame-cool-guy hand shake, when fingers from both hands met and wriggled.
After that handshake, spanish tutor burst into laughter and said: "You boys always try to be funny.."
We thought we made an impression, later did we know she told the other oral groups "see you in HMS2(spanish module 2)". GG.How interesting life is in defiance

Right, talking about music, there is little known of this jam band thats made up of some half fucked rhythm guitarist, a bassist who doesn't look like one, a Malaysian drum kid who has good rhythmic feel, an eccentric lead guitarist and our Channel U Superstar....runner up. But this is just one of the crap acoustic duets that I'm gonna pretend it never happen.

Heres a few good pictures about the band. Also check out the half fuck video Yaolong took. Ya we should named ourselves the Half-fuckers band. Not good, but fun is all that matters.
(Lead singer-Nat, lead guitarist-Han, bassist-kenyee, rhythm guitarist-deryck, drummer-choonyew) L-R

The legendary smoker gang REVOLTS against the office bitches...esp. the young one with plastic specs. to hell with her, someday we're so gonna smoke up her puny ass.

Ah Long and Nat, always looking out for pointing cameras. Nowadays its so god damn hard to capture his ugly shots. Referring to guy on left.
This is not some random pictures of bimbos and dickhea ds. We're actually showing displeasure in you.
Here's a short video of ExamSupper07 Performance - All About Loving You
The stories of Hall IV
Here's the door...

and we are the vietcong gang...

thats how a brillant undergrad's table
looks like