i am breathless, so exhuasted that i cant speak anymore. i have i rights to remain silent and silent to the world i will be. The thought of her and the horror behind. Deteriorating i find, like a blackhole, sucking i every inch just to draw i so close to kill i. i think i am selfish, but i don't deserve to be left out. Tonight will be the night that i will understand, i am in the dark. And i am glad in this sick way i learnt things about her. i have died. This is the new I.
You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in a foreign language, especially French or Spanish as they have a greater use in today's world. But other languages could be useful to you as well, such as Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, or many others. With a major in a foreign language you could teach, or work for a company as a translator or foreign correspondant.
It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.
Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. A minor in a foriegn language is useful for ANY major. Also, business or political science are great minors for a foreign language major. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
Hmmm lots of confusion lately. Just hope it is still good as new. And I kinda wanna rekindle it. Its not easy finding you. I don't like to share personal life on blog. Just a little is enough for you to get my drift.
Somethings are not easily expressible. But words coming from brain have its wonders. Have you ever get a feeling of mixed emotions, to be happy but sad, to taste sweet but bitter, to be able to see but not seen or climb the mountain, shouted and waited, but there's no echo coming back? This is not emo, it is not, this is a blatant act of redundancy. Get myself into this quagmire, question is, for what it's worth? Is it worth that much, where is the feeling? why do i have to bleed every time love steps into the picture. This is getting more absurd than I have expected. Now i feel like being on the bed of thorns where I cant even lay still everynight, every twitch feasted into your bare skin, impaling you with such hasty pierce. This is not my life, I never go for an exact experience twice. There are more things that needed my urgent attention, and I think there are. mind me go whine every bits, i just hope everything ends fast, and to hell with my emotion, it doesn't work anymore. It ends here, cut my throat if you will.
P.S. Now even if you are ready, I'm not. This relationship is eating from my inside. You're right, this is a good place to spit thoughts out, though You didn't mention it.
This entry is a pure dedication to Brown Shoe Electric. Started out as a very small tiny band(I won't even call it a band), it has established to a certain level of credibility, not that well, but manageable. I am not afraid to tell the people, to tell the world that we uses poor equipments, low quality sound system, cheap pedals. I will tell you people that I can't use pick to do a set of solos and my theory sucks, Kenyee cant even do a slapbass(he only picked up playing bass when he moved into the hall), ChongEu gets hyperventilated when comes to big events and lost all his beats(perhaps he won't if his gf is with him), Isabelle goes haywired on times she can't remember her lyrics, Han's face gets so red(or blue? He's so emo that any colour on his face looks the same to us) when he can't figure out his sound on stage. In some part of the journey down, some of us mentioned about quitting the band, some of us quarreled..... This is what we are, we are not putting ourselves high upon the shelf, we are simple. Then came Brown Shoe Electric's every first original song, Living in the Eyes of You. Its lyric and tune were purely composed by us. Special thanks to Nathaniel for his fantastic idea(I don't know about you, but I do appreciate him alot) in the chorus-making process. There's a phrase that sings Though this song is not yet fine-tuned, but sure it makes doable. Performing our first very own creation its a leap across the universe, and it means alot to every single one of us, to Hans, Ken, Chong, Isabelle and Nat. Hope the memories will stay with you guys forever, long enough to tell your children, and your children's' children. That's an old man saying, but I can't care less about it.
Her is a gentle and humble announcement - we don't have that much money and skills to have good equipments like the rest, we only own six-piece hearts and one simple rule for one another, that is to ^smile ^ when we sing no matter what happens. It can be darn pretty hard as the focus must be there. Should we have done it, then, I will truly be proud of the band, I will.
BTW, I just realised something oddly disturbing, what will be made up if Isabelle, Chongeu, Kenyee and me stand together? That would be DICK (Deryck,Isabelle,Chongeu,Kenyee) Pardon me for not including both of you(Nat and Hankiong) in the acronym. You guys are just not dicky nuff, I guess. Heres a retarded suggestion: go home, get a name like HEnry and ADam and line up behind us...if you know what i mean. hehe<--(gay laugh) Anyway, here are some clips taken at Homeclub, courtesy of BSE and Homeclub. And Thank you so much for letting us to play there.
Living in the Eyes Of You Don't you worry if you cant find the way coz i found you underneath the sky Don't you worry if you cant see your shadow at all coz the sun's not up and u are not alone i guess you could Pre-chorus stand up and look ahead dress up and get out there span out ur little wings and fly Chorus you made your move but you forgot your steps if you looked behind there wasn't lights for you you sniff at it and it blows you off you sat down and think you're feeling out emptiness mirrors you to the wall living in the eyes of you Verse 2 Don't you worry if they left you in this world coz i found you in your darkest hours When you start to see your favorite pictures on the trees thats where u will find me hanging on the swing and thats when you could Pre-chorus 2 stand up and look ahead dress up and get out there span out your little wings and learn fly again Living in the eyes of you living in the eyes of you.... END There you have it. The first verse was actually about us struggling to define our music genre, our style, our weakness, our fortes. Well I guessed everybody will be lost sometimes, I've been wanted to exit the band once due to feeling of being ostracized, Hans mentioned the same thing due to miscommunication and stress(IMHO), Isabelle talked about her shit-may-matter performance and felt like hiding her face under a brown paperbag with a pair of holes, Ken almost became some sort of retard and start sitting awkwardly on the floor whenever he lost his enthusiasm. The Chorus was about the guitarists, bassist and drummer forgetting what's the next note, reminding us that if ever anyone plays wrong notes, there is nothing others can do for you even if you look back. All we need is to be audaciously creative(Hans, I know you have exploded your creative juice, but we haven't). You are in ADM for a good cause.
P.S. To all the ladies(Isabelle, Nat, Hans, Chong, Ken) in BSE, forgive me for bragging about you, I just collect the info and piece them up.
Here's to all love-thirsted lost boys and girls who think they are leftovers on the shelves just becuz their time hasn't come. LOOK HERE! BSE is going to be performing at Hall Idol Finals on 6th March, get tickets by your own means, don't ask me, I Don't Know How. Also, we will be doing a 25minute short gig fer the NTU Open House on Saturday 8th march, at the Quad arena. Boy that could be more fun. And I think Belle is going to sing us a song. Who's up? Anyway wassup with the Boy shit at every sentence. Boy, I dunno. Thanks to ken yee for pointing out. Peace out - DC